
Helios HR Blog

Timely blog posts by HR and Recruiting consultants responding to every day questions, hot topics and compliance-related news as it relates to attracting, engaging and retaining talent.

Blog Feature

HR Tech

By: Lauren Liddle
October 8th, 2018

Technology is always innovating, and employees rely on business leaders to keep-up with the changes in today's modern workplace. One trend that is continuously gaining popularity is wearables, specifically smartwatches like the Apple Watch or Wear OS, which allows users to stay connected to their smartphones from afar.

Blog Feature

HR Tech

By: Amber Pereira
April 18th, 2018

It seems like in today’s technology-centered world, there is an application (app) for everything! You could run your whole life on your smartphone if you had the right tools at your fingertips. A lot of companies are cashing in on this trend and creating apps that are convenient to its desktop users. Why not take advantage of these apps if they can benefit you and your employees?

Blog Feature

HR Tech | Training and Development

By: Paul Davis
April 4th, 2018

Once you have decided you want to invest in a Learning Management System, the next step is figuring out how to select the right LMS. I won’t be covering the entire project lifecycle that we typically do in our consulting engagements such as strategy alignment, budgeting, resource allocation, requirements gathering, etc. Instead, I want to boil down some of the main features and functionality that Helios’ clients are often interested in when reviewing LMS options on the market. This same review can also be used if you have a current LMS that isn’t meeting your needs. Lastly, I’ll list some of the most popular online learning platform options on the market at the end of this article.

Blog Feature

HR Tech | Training and Development

By: Paul Davis
February 13th, 2018

Year over year we find that leaders from organizations of all sizes and industries share that employee and leadership development are among the top challenges that they face in their business. Is this true for you?

Blog Feature

HR Tech | Total Rewards | Talent Acquisition

By: Monica Schaus
December 15th, 2016

A Top Recruiting Trend Review A top recruiting trend we're seeing for 2017 at Helios HR is a shift between social media platform used for candidate sourcing. For years, we’ve seen recruiting firms like ours, use LinkedIn as a primary tool to find passive candidates. As this site continues to become more saturated and competitive in the war for talent, we believe recruiters utilize other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat to find passive candidates on a much greater scale.

Blog Feature

Communication | HR Tech | Risk Management | Best Practices | Employee Relations

By: Helios
February 10th, 2016

Many of us in the DC metro area experience the stress of dealing with the daily traffic congestion and long commutes in order to get to work on time, and I don't even need to describe what happens during a snowfall. Due to these stresses we face as well as the increasing number of millennials in the workforce, many employers are looking more seriously at telework options. This is an area gaining in popularity for various businesses and industries, and its usage is expected to grow. With the new technologies available to us, working from home is becoming a more viable alternative without the risk of employees losing touch with their employer and customers. Some employers do not realize there are also cost effective reasons for initiating a telework program. Listed below are four cost effective reasons for considering a telework program in your organization.