
Helios HR Blog

Timely blog posts by HR and Recruiting consultants responding to every day questions, hot topics and compliance-related news as it relates to attracting, engaging and retaining talent.

Blog Feature

Business Management & Strategy

By: Kim Moshlak
March 28th, 2018

In these times of working leaner and meaner, we find ourselves trying to figure out how to do more with less. We need our employees to be heavily engaged in the work they are doing for us to ensure they are as productive as possible.

Blog Feature

Communication | Total Rewards | Business Management & Strategy | Career Tips

By: Paul Davis
March 22nd, 2018

Creating and maintaining an environment that engenders role clarity has a number of positive impacts that directly impact the success of organizations. This article discusses five of the main positive outcomes for businesses if they effectively generate and manage role clarity. What is Role Clarity? The simplest way of describing role clarity ties back to the basic question of whether an organization can clearly describe the duties and responsibilities associated with a role and the accompanying baseline requirements that an individual needs to have in order to effectively perform the role.

Blog Feature

Business Management & Strategy | Best Practices | Employee Relations

By: Helios
February 14th, 2018

With Valentine's Day and Employee Appreciation Day around the corner on March 2nd, it's a good reminder to check in on your employee engagement. Not only is an engaged culture more fun to work in, creating a culture that embodies happiness and satisfaction just makes cents! (Pun-intended.) Effective human capital practices can and will, lead to positive financial outcomes.

Blog Feature

Business Management & Strategy

By: Marigrace McKay
October 19th, 2017

What is Change Management? Change management is the process of transitioning or transforming an organization. It is a management science that specializes in people behavior and organization design for the purpose of repositioning a company for product, financial, market, and competitive advantages. And repositioning a company for product, financial, market, or competitive advantage is very important work! How to Avoid Problems with Leading Change Management Processes In-House The biggest mistake I see is when conducted in-house and not by a change management professional is utilizing a one-size-fits-all change management methodology. A common miss is thinking about how change must be different for the various levels of the organization. For example, each job level should be addressed with a unique approach that is most fitting for them. Individual change management would include: The executive team needs to understand and adopt their role in change management. Mid-level management will need to generate the levers of new change and sustainability measures. And at the general employee-at-large level, change would entail engaging and internalizing the new direction/decision. You have to meet them at their level and help them understand how their role fits in with the change. A change management consultant or professional should be able to pull out their toolkit that contains creativity, flexibility, language, change management models, diagnostics and other tools to make the change management initiative successful on all levels.

Blog Feature

Business Management & Strategy

By: Kim Moshlak
September 20th, 2017

Take a minute to imagine all of the different generations working together in today’s society…with so much diversity…from Traditionalists (born before 1946) to Generation Z (1997 – today) to employees from different cultures, religions, and the like. This begs the question, how can these employees work together and be successful as a team and what do we need to do as employers, to ensure these individuals all feel respected and included in their work environment?