Helios HR Blog
Timely blog posts by HR and Recruiting consultants responding to every day questions, hot topics and compliance-related news as it relates to attracting, engaging and retaining talent.
Best Practices | Employee Relations
March 9th, 2016
Lately, it seems I cannot escape the fact that 2016 is a presidential election year—even on sites like LinkedIn. I view LinkedIn as a business site for professional conversations and to share and read information which will improve one’s career. When I am in a professional setting or “polite company,” I believe that discussion about things like religious beliefs, political beliefs, money and sex are topics to be avoided. I apply this philosophy to professional sites like LinkedIn. If I would not say it to a colleague, I would not post it on LinkedIn. Yet lately, I continue to be surprised by the pictures of politicians accompanied by opinions and comments on LinkedIn. I don’t log into LinkedIn to view others’ political views (or religious views for that matter).
Communication | Diversity & Inclusion | Business Management & Strategy | Best Practices | Employee Relations
Kim Moshlak
February 18th, 2016
You have an exciting work environment...people are running around like crazy, lots of energy and enthusiasm all over the place, and everyone is having a great time...except for one employee who doesn’t “get into that”. This employee is sitting at the desk, quietly doing his/her work. And you notice when you are in meetings, this employee rarely speaks up. Do you see them as a hindrance to your organization? Hopefully not!
Risk Management | Benefits | Best Practices
February 17th, 2016
We have all heard about the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). But one of the biggest questions I get from my clients is "how to comply with the regulations in order to avoid litigation?" Unfortunately, ADA continues to be a liability for employers with 15 or more employees because it presents complex requirements for employers in working with and managing employees with disabilities.
Total Rewards | Risk Management | Benefits | Best Practices | Employee Relations
Audrey Thurston Yilmaz, PHR
February 12th, 2016
Compliance around FLSA laws and regulations is in the spotlight and will remain there for a while from the look of the current landscape. The old adage applies, ‘where there’s smoke, there’s fire.’ Anyone watching events unfold can agree, the Dept. of Labor sees the smoke. The fallout from non-compliance is costly.
Communication | HR Tech | Risk Management | Best Practices | Employee Relations
February 10th, 2016
Many of us in the DC metro area experience the stress of dealing with the daily traffic congestion and long commutes in order to get to work on time, and I don't even need to describe what happens during a snowfall. Due to these stresses we face as well as the increasing number of millennials in the workforce, many employers are looking more seriously at telework options. This is an area gaining in popularity for various businesses and industries, and its usage is expected to grow. With the new technologies available to us, working from home is becoming a more viable alternative without the risk of employees losing touch with their employer and customers. Some employers do not realize there are also cost effective reasons for initiating a telework program. Listed below are four cost effective reasons for considering a telework program in your organization.
Best Practices | Employee Relations | Talent Acquisition
Krystal Freeman
February 3rd, 2016
As a manager, I’m sure you have brought on quite a few new hire employees. Some of these employees, when beginning employment, can “jump right in” and become a part of the team. However, others may take some time to adjust to the new culture. To assist in culture assimilation and the learning of company policies and procedures, I always recommend creating a mentor or buddy program for my client's new hires. They've already invested a lot of time and resources in finding the best candidates, so by instituting this as part of their onboarding program, they are ensuring a smooth transition and investing in their future success.