
Helios HR Blog

Timely blog posts by HR and Recruiting consultants responding to every day questions, hot topics and compliance-related news as it relates to attracting, engaging and retaining talent.

Blog Feature

Employee Relations

By: Helios
September 30th, 2021

Managing a team has never been more challenging than it is right now. If you're a leader, the chances are that you've witnessed a drop in engagement recently, as your pandemic-weary staff yearns for a break. Meanwhile, you're probably worried about the impact of The Great Resignation and whether you're at risk of losing your best people.

Blog Feature

Risk Management | Best Practices

By: Helios
September 21st, 2021

Every employee is irreplaceable, in a way. People have characteristics that make them one-of-a-kind, whether it’s their attention to detail, their empathy with customers, or their genius for communication. But when an employee is literally impossible to replace, you might run into problems.

Blog Feature

Business Management & Strategy

By: Helios
September 16th, 2021

When you’re competing for talent in the recruitment market, it doesn’t always come down to salary. Around one in four candidates say that they’ll choose the employer with the best organizational culture, even if it means turning down more lucrative offers. That’s why it’s so important to celebrate your culture and share it with the outside world.

Blog Feature

Helios HR

By: Kathy Albarado
September 6th, 2021

When you start a new business, you do so knowing that the odds are against you. Two-thirds of startups don't survive more than two years. To find ourselves still growing and expanding after two decades is an incredible and humbling feeling.

Blog Feature

Best Practices

By: Jenna Louis
August 25th, 2021

Behind every great business, there's a great human resources team. HR plays a vital role in building and developing great teams, but the most important role of HR is to support the rest of the company as they go about delivering strategic goals. Sometimes, the existing human resources team needs a helping hand. That's where HR outsourcing comes in.

Blog Feature

Business Management & Strategy | Best Practices | Employee Relations

By: Lauren Liddle
August 19th, 2021

On an average working day in America, only one in three employees are fully engaged with their job. That's according to the latest data from Gallup, which shows that average engagement spiked during the pandemic, but is now back at normal levels. And, in most offices, normal is bad.