Helios HR Blog
Timely blog posts by HR and Recruiting consultants responding to every day questions, hot topics and compliance-related news as it relates to attracting, engaging and retaining talent.
Kyle Robertson
February 24th, 2025
Hiring can be a challenge at the best of times. It’s hard to find great people to join your team, especially if you’re looking for people with in-demand skills.
Kyle Robertson
September 18th, 2023
I was recently at lunch with a CEO, and he stated how frustrated he was with their ability to find a C-level executive matching their organizational goals and culture. He felt they were wasting time and money with no actual results. I asked him what the biggest stumbling block was, and he thought it was that his team was struggling to find qualified talent. Not because they weren't capable, but because they didn't have the time to give the search the attention it needed to succeed.
Kyle Robertson
May 25th, 2021
Whether an executive or a mid-level manager, the majority of candidates generally hate panel interviews. If you’ve ever experienced one during your job search, you probably understand why. It’s overwhelming to find yourself outnumbered by strangers who are taking turns lobbing interview questions at you as they make their hiring decision. It’s a lot of pressure both in-person and even preparing for a panel interview, and that kind of pressure can be counterproductive as candidates get too flustered to give detailed answers.
Business Management & Strategy | Talent Acquisition | COVID-19
Kyle Robertson
August 17th, 2020
With the uncertainty that COVID-19 brings, employers are reacting in a variety of ways. Some have an immediate response and cut staff, while other employers shift seamlessly to a telework model to save on operational costs. There are companies that implement a hiring freeze, and some use innovative ideas to create a “business as usual” environment. Current staff and future potential employees are watching and evaluating the decisions employers make today, and they base employment choices on what they see and hear.