Helios HR Blog
Timely blog posts by HR and Recruiting consultants responding to every day questions, hot topics and compliance-related news as it relates to attracting, engaging and retaining talent.
Krystal Freeman
February 13th, 2025
How did your recruitment efforts work out last year? Did you find the right talent to help you meet your strategic goals? Or did you spend last year feeling lost in a frustrating maze of resumes and interviews?
Talent Acquisition | Retained Search | Recruitment outsourcing
Krystal Freeman
January 31st, 2024
Let's face it: people are busy. Our inboxes are flooded, phone calls get screened to avoid distraction, and social media is oversaturated with content. Great recruiters know they must get creative if they want their message to a candidate to stand out.
Krystal Freeman
October 31st, 2023
Every new team member needs certain things to happen before they get started. They might require an ID badge to enter the building, a computer to access your systems, and somewhere to park their car.
Business Management & Strategy | Recruitment outsourcing
Krystal Freeman
April 17th, 2023
Whatever you think about Glassdoor, one thing is certain—you can’t ignore it. Employees know about it, candidates know about it, and Glassdoor rankings often appear at the top of Google search results.
Krystal Freeman
January 28th, 2021
As a recruiter, when speaking with candidates a few of the first few questions I ask are, “Tell me about your company culture?” and “What are you looking for in your next job opportunity?” Responses I often receive include, “an environment that allows flexibility,” “a team driven environment”, “a family atmosphere”, “ a place where I can learn and grow”, or “a place where I can make a difference and help take a company to the next level.” In listening to these statements, it provides me with insight into a candidate’s current company culture as well as what the type of culture that they would like to work in.
Krystal Freeman
November 12th, 2020
It is an unprecedented time to recruit for new talent, priorities are shifting across the board for everyone. COVID-19 is not a virus that has impacted just one part of the country, a select population of people, or a specific industry and/or company. It is something that has affected all people, businesses, and industries around the world. However, as Recruiters, there are opportunities to show your value during this unique time while mitigating any challenges that may be presented.