
Helios HR Blog

Timely blog posts by HR and Recruiting consultants responding to every day questions, hot topics and compliance-related news as it relates to attracting, engaging and retaining talent.


Blog Feature

Benefits | Business Management & Strategy | Best Practices | Employee Relations

By: Helios
March 19th, 2015

We all need time away to recharge our batteries and momentarily forget what we are currently working on. Ensuring that your employees are taking their personal time is important not only for their sanity, but for the betterment of the department and organization that they support. Organizations evolve positively when employees focus on the day-to-day tactical and operational tasks, and also when they provide creative and passionate solutions or ideas to the opportunities and challenges facing the organization. Without this creativity and passion for work, employees will start ignoring and resenting their responsibilities. As leaders in your organization, there is an important tool in your management tool belt for helping an employee retain their passion and creativity for their role – encouraging them to use their personal time.

Blog Feature

Benefits | Best Practices | Employee Relations

By: Helios
March 14th, 2015

Many of my clients are interested in starting a wellness program, but tend to shy away. They are always surprised when I tell them that it is not difficult to implement a wellness program, and better yet, they don’t have to have a large budget to get started! Wellness programs are said to increase employee engagement and retention, reduce absenteeism, raise awareness of health issues, and drive down health care costs. If you are thinking of implementing a wellness program, here are some low-cost tips to help you get started.

Blog Feature

Talent Acquisition

By: Helios
March 7th, 2015

Helios often works with clients when their recruiting process is broken or non-existent. When we conduct recruiting assessments, one of the most common areas we see overlooked is the candidate experience. With many organizations today trying to do more with less, the candidate experience is often neglected. However, the impact of both positive and negative candidate experiences can have far-reaching consequences on your organization. Studies show that when candidates have a positive experience with your firm, they are more likely to share that experience and encourage others to apply as well (even if they were not selected for the position to which they applied). Likewise, when candidates have a negative experience, they are more likely to discourage others from applying to your firm or even from being a consumer of your brand. Having a poor candidate experience can negatively impact your firm’s ability to be competitive in recruiting top talent.

Blog Feature


By: Helios
March 2nd, 2015

At Helios, we frequently help our clients survey employees to understand everything from engagement to skill development to benefits needs. Particularly in the era of an evolving healthcare environment, employers need to get the most for the budget dollars allotted to benefits, and the best way to do that is to understand what employees want. As a Human Capital consultant, I advise surveying employees at your own company to discover what matters most to them. If it's crunch time during your benefits renewal, and you don't have the time to survey your team, these two recent studies by Unum and Aflac can provide you with the insight you need to understand how benefits can make a difference at your company.

Blog Feature

Risk Management | Benefits | Best Practices | Employee Relations

By: Helios
February 26th, 2015

As many HR Professionals know, an employee on a leave of absence may be covered by a myriad of laws and regulations. It often feels like a relief when an employee declares that they are ready to return to work. But what if the employee has restrictions on their activity? At Helios, we hear from companies all the time who are unsure whether or not they have to accommodate restrictions. They’re unsure if they can ask for more information and how to filter the information they receive. Understanding your legal obligations is important; and it’s just as important to have an integrated process in place to minimize employee relations and compliance issues.

Blog Feature

Risk Management | Employee Relations

By: Helios
February 26th, 2015

In recent months, the decriminalization of marijuana in the District of Columbia has been an ever present topic. Up to this point, it’s been a theoretical conversation. Though marijuana is still considered a Schedule One Illegal Drug under the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 812), it’s recreational use and possession in D.C. has been decriminalized. As of 12:01 a.m. on Thursday, February 26, 2015, though, the implications became real.