
The Best Tips for a Great Interview for Your Dream Job

Talent Acquisition

The Best Tips for a Great InterviewYou are about to interview for your dream job!  The phone screen was a breeze. They hiring team is as excited to meet you, as you are to meet them.

Post-interview you’re thinking, ‘It’s in the bag, I nailed it!’ The rapport was there, they asked the right questions and I engaged them with my answers. A few days pass, you haven’t heard from them and doubt creeps in. Finally, an email arrives, thanking you for your time and wishing you the best of luck in future endeavors.  You call for feedback- ‘What went wrong?’ The friendly, helpful recruiter says, ‘They are looking for a better fit.’

You may never know what torpedoed your shot at the job. However, there are things you can do, or not do, to help secure your dream job.

How to Secure Your Dream Job

Early, but not too early…

Everyone knows to arrive early, but not everyone knows that too early is a faux pas. If your interview is at 2pm and you are there at 1:30pm…wait anywhere except the front desk of your potential employer.  15 minutes early is just right.


  • Piercings…If your ears are pierced, if anything is pierced, go as conservative as you comfortably can.
  • Hands…Clean hands and nails. If you wear nail polish, no chips allowed.
  • It’s not date night, it’s a professional interview…Skip perfume, oils and cologne, go easy on the make-up and leave the club wear at home. Clothing that is too trendy, tight, sparkly, short, long or distracting can ruin an otherwise promising opportunity.

What to Wear…

  • Wear a Suit…Candidates are rarely faulted for dressing the part.
  • Pants… Socks match pants.
  • Skirt… Keep the length close to the knee, very close.
  • Shoes…Clean, polished and appropriate for a suit. If you go with a pump: no higher than three inches.
  • Hosiery… Some prefer tights, or opaque hosiery. If you wear ‘pantyhose,’ choose a shade to match your skin tone.

The Interview…

  • Answer the question…Candidates that are nervous can get off track, leaving the interviewer frustrated. Pay attention, answer what’s asked and add on to provide important insights.
  • Do not ramble…Be clear and concise.
  • Do not giggle…Everyone gets nervous, but don’t giggle after every response.
  • No canned answers…Be honest about your experience in your answers. Excessive ruse of phrases like: ‘collaborative team player,’ and ‘strategic contributor,’ can be interpreted as hiding a lack of experience.