

Helios HR Blog

Timely blog posts by HR and Recruiting consultants responding to every day questions, hot topics and compliance-related news as it relates to attracting, engaging and retaining talent.

Blog Feature

Employee Retention

By: Jennifer DeVenny
August 28th, 2024

The job market tends to move in cycles. Sometimes, it’s a hot market, and employers struggle to attract top talent. Other times, an economic slowdown might result in a hiring cooldown, resulting in fewer opportunities for job seekers.

Blog Feature

Best Practices | AI

By: Kim Moshlak
August 20th, 2024

Artificial Intelligence has been around for a few years now. So far, it has created more questions than answers.

Blog Feature

Employee Engagement | GovCon

By: Jenna Bishop
August 19th, 2024

When it comes to creating an outstanding employee experience, one thing matters above all else: communication.

Blog Feature

By: Helios
August 17th, 2024

Great teachers can change lives. And the same is true of other people who work hard to keep schools running, from administrators to leaders.

Blog Feature

Recruitment outsourcing

By: Ber Leary
August 13th, 2024

Recruitment has been a major issue for higher education institutes in recent years, especially since the COVID pandemic.

Blog Feature

Communication | Best Practices | Employee Relations | Talent Acquisition

By: Helios
August 9th, 2024

Every company lives and dies on its reputation. This is why businesses invest so heavily in marketing, working hard to grow their reputation and build brand awareness.