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By: Helios on June 8th, 2006

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Helios HR CEO Kathy Albarado Honored with HR Leadership Award


McLEAN, VIRGINIA (June 8, 2006) – Kathy Albarado, President of Helios HR based in Reston, VA, was granted the 2006 HR Leadership Award for Community Service/Corporate Social Responsibility. In addition to participating in community support for local charities such as The March of Dimes, Reston Interfaith, Northern Virginia Family Services, and The House of Ruth, Ms. Albarado has been active in a leadership capacity in a number of professional associations to include Women in Technology, the Northern Virginia Employer Advisory Committee and the Society for Human Resource Management.

According to Susan Stolpe, Volunteer Manager of Reston Interfaith, “Reston Interfaith is a nonprofit organization serving Northern Virginia that promotes self-sufficiency through support and advocacy for those in need of food, shelter, affordable housing, quality childcare, and other services. Our programs meet the needs of 13,000 people each year, and we could not perform this work without the support of over 1,000 volunteers, like Kathy Albarado and her wonderful team at Helios HR.”

About the HR Leadership Awards

The HR Leadership Awards of Greater Washington honors HR executives for outstanding contributions to their organizations and to the field of Human Resources Management. The Awards were established in 2001 to recognize individuals who have demonstrated exemplary service and contribution through organizational leadership, risk taking, innovation, vision and communication, community service, and ethics.

The Community Service/Corporate Responsibility Award promotes the principals of HR leadership and recognizes the way that HR can influence and guide organizations in their corporate social responsibilities. This Award is presented in honor of the former president of Marymount University, Sister Eynard Gallaher, RSHM, who led the formation and development of one of the most highly regarded human resources university programs in the region.

Additional information on the award can be found at and in the June 9, 2006 issue of the Washington Business Journal.